Redevelopment and reutilization are increasingly becoming the focus in times of limited development areas. Both the development of properties and the optimization of entire portfolios as part of a forward-looking strategy offer opportunities for investors and asset managers.
Systematic recording and aggregation of object information results in strategy finding based on both economic and technical issues. The effects of measures at different levels of impact, for example on the market value or the management costs, can thus be reliably assessed and thus provide a sound basis for decision-making for the management. We thereby make options such as rent, lease, refurbish, build or sale-and-lease-back comparable for you.
As a basis for your economic planning, we determine the life cycle costs of your real estate and show optimization potential. In addition, we develop strategies for increasing the efficiency of existing space - for example, to expand usable space, adapt operating processes or save operating costs.
It is not always necessary to achieve a large-scale intervention in an existing property. The possibilities are manifold and therefore always to be assessed individually. The consideration of funding programmes can also play a decisive role, especially in energy-related measures. Our professional energy consultants consider these topics in the planning stage.